What kind of tree should I purchase?
When purchasing a tree, needles should be green and hard to pull off the branches. These are the freshest cut trees you can find. If many needles fall off, this could be a fire hazard. If using an artificial tree, make sure it’s flame retardant.
Can I use my holiday lights from previous years?
Yes, however, you should always inspect previously used lights each year.
What type of decorations should I use?
All decorations should be nonflammable or flame-retardant and placed away from heat vents. Avoid using candles.
Should I place holiday lights on my house with a blue roof?
No. For fire-safety reasons, residents should not place lights on damaged roofs or on blue roofs.
If there is a fire emergency in any residence, including FEMA travel trailers or mobile homes, get out and stay out. Know when and how to call for help. And remember to practice your home escape plan. Visit for further safety tips.
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